Of course I am going to be fitter, lose a few pounds – eat a bit more healthy, drink a little less and spend more quality time with my loved ones. But 2012 is the year I will declare war on bad service and do whatever I can to promote good customer service.
· I will not go back but find an alternative, if the shops I usually use do not provide good service. (Living in Belgium that might actually be a real issue to find an alternative). This also goes for restaurants, bars and cafes – and will seriously limit the selection of nightspots we have
· I will complain to the store instead of just accept it as an annoyance (name and shame)
· I will also make sure I compliment good service. (like praising good behavior in a child)
As consumers we need to put an end to the acceptance of bad service, and demand proper service wherever we go.
These are my New Year’s resolutions; what are yours?